There Are Many Types Of Commercial Insurance. Which One Is Right For You And Why Should You Do Business With Us?

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Most people know about commercial insurance such as general liability, workers comp, commercial auto and other commonly sold commerical insurance policies but the truth is the world of commercial insurance is vast. There are many less commonly written commercial policies including :

Builders Risk

Lessors Risk


Directors and Officers

Cyber Inland Marine

And much more.

Why should you consider doing business with us? For starters we have access to a tremendous amount of carriers for every type of risk. Some carriers we have direct appointments with, others we use an aggregator to access and we have access to even more through sub brokers. Our philosphy is the more insurance companies we have access to, the better value we can offer our clients. We are here to help you navigate through your commercial insurance options and find the right fit for you and your business.

In addition to providing value through competitive rates we provide additional value through great service. How do we do this? One way is the owner of The Commercial Insurance Store, Dave Albritton, has personally designed a customer reltions managment tool that makes communicating simple and policy management efficient. For example, our system will alert both you the client and us the agents when your renewal is 90 days away. The system will then remind us to call you for a policy review where we take a look at your renewal premium and coverage together and decide if the policy is still a fit for you or if we need to look at other options, ensuring you always get the right coverage at the right price!